7% в день на 5 дней
Не платит
Статус: Не платит
Дата старта: 21.09.2022 (16:00)
Доходность: 7% в день
Партнёрская программа: 8%-3%-1%
Тип выплат: инстант
Мин. депозит: 1.00 USD
Макс. депозит: 50000.00 USD
Мин. выплата: 0.50 USD
Страховка: 0 USD
Наш вклад: 100 USD
Платежные Системы:
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Комментарии (7)
Galina (25.09.2022 18:01)
The amount of 0.56 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U2976 Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 19096711.. Date: 14:37 25.09.22. Batch: 484101166.
Galina (24.09.2022 18:28)
The amount of 0.56 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U2976. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 19065090.. Date: 14:32 24.09.22. Batch: 484000552.
Galina (23.09.2022 17:50)
The amount of 0.56 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U2976. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 19019629.. Date: 14:30 23.09.22. Batch: 483889415.
Galina (22.09.2022 17:49)
Выплата.The amount of 0.56 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12456834->U2976. Memo: API Payment. PayKassa.pro 18941286.. Date: 14:28 22.09.22. Batch: 483770169.
Galina (22.09.2022 16:54)
Спасибо.The amount of 0.64 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U2159->U2976 Memo: Рефбек от Team-Blog.biz. Date: 13:34 22.09.22. Batch: 483763895.
TeamBlog (22.09.2022 16:47)
Плат. система Дата Сумма Статус
TRON 22.09.2022 16:43 12.88 Обработана
Galina (21.09.2022 17:49)
The amount of 8 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U29762283->U12456834. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Invoice ID 18904642.. Date: 14:27 21.09.22. Batch: 483650301.